4th of July?!?!?

Ok…I do realize, before posting this, that the REAL 4th of July has not yet occured this year. But at FAITH ASSEMBLY, it’s already happened with a first class fireworks show…that’s jut how we roll!

So with about 250 hamburgers, 100 Sausage on a stick and lots and lots of hotdogs…we ventured into the rain, the thunder, the lightening, the hail the wind…ok maybe not the hail and the wind. There wasn’t even much rain by the time we went back out side…but where is the excitement in saying we walked out side after a thunderstorm and stood in the little baby puddles…

Well here are some pics from the night…

the fearsome four...awaiting the show

Fearsome four…waiting for the show

great friends, great fireworks…GOOD TIMES!

***SIDE NOTE: For those of you have read my posting about the joy of naps…i NOW have proof that people want to change our group from the fearsome four to the fabulous FIVE..lol! ( I love ya Lee Ann!) ***