A day, well more like a SUNDAY in the life…

So Sunday’s have become my favorite days…mainly because Sunday’s include NAPS. I’ve found that a good NAP can be the most amazing thing of any day, and since i always seem to have time to take a quick cat nappy on Sunday’s they are now my favorite days.

Let’s go through a “normal” Sunday…a day in the life of…well…ME! Not the most exciting post to read for some…but for others, they are on the edge of their seats! haha j/k

So my day tends to start at 8am (blah!), ok i really don’t get out of bed till 8:05. I seem to like to stay in bed longer than my Alarm wants me to, it’s a habit I’m working on. Anyway, so i get up and go through my weekly routine of taking a fast shower, and than staring in my closet for something to wear. When i finally come to the conclusion that once again I have nothing to wear. [side note: thanks to the shopping trip Mom took on I was spared from this horrible experience this week…gotta love mom for that!]

Than it’s off to the mirror where i frantically try to get my hair/makeup done in time to make it out the door with mom and dad. On the way to church we do a quick pit-stop at Shipley’s, where i get to indulge myself in frothy Dr. Pepper, Ham and Cheese Kolache and a glazed donut (hopefully warm!). Than it’s off to “sunday school” where i hang with Lindsey and we discuss the happenings of our Saturdays…we like to think we have our own class.

Church starts promptly at 10:30. We sing. We have announcements. Pastor Preaches. It’s good times. Than i head up stairs. I swing by P.Diddle’s class where we chat for a minutes in the midst of 15 screaming/running 4-5 yr olds…than i grab my little bud Jes-A-lyn and we head down the hall to grab her bubba (Jaron).

It is now time for FOOD. Praise God for mom’s home cooked ROAST!!! Once the food has been eaten, and the plates are clean…it is time for the most amazing thing. It is NOW time for my CAT NAPPY! Now i love naps, and i honestly strive to reach the professional level of napping that my friends have reached (Lindsey Louise, Grace, and P-Diddle). They are all light years ahead of me in their ability to nap. But none the less, i find myself falling in love with my bed during these NAPS until i hear the world’s most annoying noise…MY ALARM!

Alarms, who’s idea was that? Cause everyone loves to be woken up a loud “ERR ERR ERR” or the default ringtone that comes with your cell phone!!! Someone should invent an alarm clock that has an arm that taps you on the shoulder and says “RISE AND SHINE…TIME TO FACE THE DAY!” That might not make me as mad as other annoying noises.

Once my wonderful nap is over, it is back to church for a riviting Sunday PM Edition class (this one taught by none other than Shara-Josaphine!). Also Good times. Than it’s off to STARBUCKS with the FEARSOME FOUR gang. Some may wonder “what is this fearsome four she speaks of?” It is simply the most elite of groups ever. People everywhere wish we would be willing to change our names to fearsome five or maybe even super six..so that they could have the chance of hanging with us, but I’m sorry to say that we will not!

Ok…so maybe there are not people everywhere wishing we would change are name. In fact there are probably people everywhere making fun of us for naming our selves. But well we have fun with it so that’s that!

We have no officially gone through my Sunday (give or take a few meetings). I know it’s quite the exciting life that live…millions are jealous of this life that i have the luxury of calling mine! Stay tuned…it only gets better…

Waste of time or fun reading? You be the judge!