Rainy days & starbucks

Eduard…decided to grace us with his presence today. So with flying trees, and dogs being washed away…i ventured to Starbucks. (ok…so there were no flying trees or dogs being washed away. More like a dump truck of rain, and some more annoying rain)

Apparently Starbucks is much like the post office…no matter what the weather is..they are OPEN! So of course when work gets cancelled where do i head? Duh! No brainer! Starbucks!!! With my Grande Passion Tea made with apple juice and sweetened with melon. I sit down to face the day. Or at least attempt to get some work done.

Not much work as been accomplished yet, but i have had some sucessful people watching going on. My favorite moment may have been the man that pulled in through the drive thru with an umbrella hanging out his window to ensure that his coffee did not get water in it….OUTTA CONTROL!

So thank you Eduard for a day off of work, and en excuse to spend my day at Starbucks!

-peace out-


So this blog is a little late in being posted, but i figure it’s been a while since i’ve written…and someone, somwhere may be bored enough to actually want to read this!

So I flew to Colorado a couple of weeks ago, and had the world’s worst flight…
I got there to the airport early stoked out a good seat, and then read my magazine. Good times! HA…so they call for the people with the letter “A” to board their flights, and i get in line only to have this stupid high school girl…that clearly has no friends and hates her life, looks at me and says “umm…what number are you?” So i politely say “45” and smile…only to have her look at me roll her eyes and say “I’m 44, so clearly I’m in front of you and nearly pushed me over. RUDE!!! I know. Ok so i finally get to go and PICK my seat and i pick an aisle seat with a lady sitting at the window reading (so she won’t talk to me…clearly!) Than out of no where this old lady comes and sits next to me…she then proceeds to mix a pound of powder crap with the worst smelling pinapple mango blend of juice…making a paste, and than she DRANK IT!!! Disgusting. So not only was she drinking nasty crap, but she apparently thought it was roll around in your seat day, and was continously bumping into me. I was like geez…this is worse than a kid. Wait, it gets better! I, of course,I bust out the ipod and start reading a book…then the guy comes by and gives us  drinks, and of course the ipod goes back into my ears. Only to have the old lady tap me on the shoulders and start talking to me!!! ARE YOU KIDDING!?!?!?!?!?!?!? So, i being the nice person i am, humor her and listen, and the first chance i get i put them back in. Without fail…25 minutes go by and i get another tap..now she has to go the bathroom!!! I was so mad!! Than the person behind me, orders a bloodly mary, which smells like crap…tomato juice, tobasco sauce and liquor! nasty! Than he orders another. and then spills it!!! So, i have to smell that crap the entire trip!!!! Needless to say i was a little bitter about that flight! ugh!

The trip turned out to be pretty amazing. Colorado was absoultely beautiful, but there was not nearly enough oxygen for me! I was out of breathe riding in the car!!! Outta control…here’s a quick run down of my 5 day trip to the big D, Denver i mean…not Dallas
Tuesday: fly to denver, get picked up by freakin deacon, and uncle John
Oh, and i got informed as soon as I landed that they do not serve Dr. pepper at restaurants in Denver!!!
No worries, if there is one thing i can find it’s Dr. pepper!!!!

Wednesday: woken up early by Deacon, headed to SixFlags:Elitch Gardens with vinnie and family
Thursday: Crystal flew in, spent ALL day at the mall
Friday: Dad flew in, Vinnie (plus family) went home, Drove to Vail
Now, Vail was amazing. Absoultely amazing. Felt like i was in a differernt country!
Saturday: Did a tour of Colorado….Boulder ( to get a CU hoodie!), Colorado springs…Air Force Academy,
Garden of the Gods
Sunday: Woke up at 4:30am to fly home

Back to Houston…hot, humid, but thank God for enough oxygen for me to breathe!!!!!

Here are  few pics: